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Jun 15, 20232 min read
Smart Super Strategies For This EOFY
Want to help boost your retirement savings while potentially saving on tax? Here are five smart super strategies to consider before the...

Jun 8, 20233 min read
Say Goodbye To Tax Troubles
Tax paperwork is something few of us take in our stride. In fact, the majority of people hand over much of this responsibility to someone...

Apr 17, 20234 min read
What are some ways to invest $10k
Whether you’ve won the lottery or received an inheritance, $10,000 is a significant amount of money. So, what should you do with it? Save...

Mar 21, 20234 min read
What’s super and how does it work?
Superannuation, commonly known as ‘super’, is money set aside while you’re working so you’ll have money for retirement. Your money is put...

Mar 20, 20233 min read
How do share markets work?
There are many asset classes you can invest in and shares are just one type that you might find in an investment portfolio. But what are...

Mar 6, 20233 min read
Building an emergency savings fund
With the number of unpredictable events that have happened in the past few years, from COVID to inflation, being financially prepared for...

Feb 20, 20234 min read
Are you on track with your finances?
When it comes to life stages, we’re all different. Some of us are all set up with a mortgage, a steady career and possibly even kids in...

Feb 14, 20233 min read
How to deal with rising inflation
Between March 2021-22, inflation in Australia rose by 5.1%. Meanwhile, wages only rose by 2.4%1. With the bare essentials becoming –...

Feb 1, 20233 min read
Downsizing your home
Downsizing the family home is often part of the longer-term financial plans for many older Australians. But did you know that you could...

Jan 16, 20233 min read
How to save for retirement in your 40s
By the time you’re in your 40s you’ll potentially be earning more money than you may have previously – but you may also have unexpected...

Jan 10, 20233 min read
Smart strategies for paying down debt
Being in debt can really wear you down, both financially and emotionally. Whether it’s a single large credit card balance or multiple...

Jan 3, 20233 min read
How does the First Home Super Saver Scheme (FHSSS) Work?
If you’re a first home buyer, you may be eligible to withdraw voluntary super contributions you’ve made (plus earnings) to put towards a...

Nov 28, 20223 min read
Don’t let overspending be your undoing
Do you struggle to control your spending around your friends and family? If the urge to ‘keep up’ with a certain lifestyle is stretching...

Nov 28, 20225 min read
9 ways to teach kids the value of money at Christmas
What’s the meaning of Christmas in your household? While it can sometimes feel like spending a small fortune on gifts and food is...

Nov 25, 20223 min read
Is money the key to happiness?
Is money the key to happiness? Numerous research reports and studies agree having more money can lead to improved wellbeing, but only up...

Sep 14, 20222 min read
Scams robbed Australians of more than $2 billion last year
Australians lost a record amount to scams in 2021 and people aged 65 and over reported the highest losses Australians lost a record...
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