Specialist Services
Whether it's for yourself or for your business, there may come a time when you need to plan for a future change or to tackle an unexpected 'one-off' event.
Our team can provide specialist help with:
Estate planning
Find out why it’s important to have a Will and to structure your affairs so that your estate is managed according to your wishes.
Salary sacrificing
Learn about tax-effective strategies you can use to optimise your super for the retirement you want.
Whatever your future plans after a retrenchment or redundancy, we help you make the most of the monies you receive.
Social security/Centrelink
We help you review your circumstances to assess whether you'll qualify for the Age Pension and discuss the other benefits and allowances that exist to those who might qualify.
Aged Care
Finding the right aged care solution can be complex and requires careful consideration and planning. Our aged care financial advice helps you to identify your options and find the best solution for your circumstances.